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How to Start Travel Agency Business


Step 7 – Insurance

Do not forget to insure your business. It will be helpful in case of settlement or lawsuit. In addition, it will cover the cost on any possible workplace injuries.

Step 8- Know your Responsibilities

One of the most essential requirements in learning how to start a travel agency business is to know the extent of a travel business owner’s responsibilities. Though the usual knowledge lies in booking of cruises, airline tickets, and hotel rooms, there are also additional services which can be rendered to clients. These include help with obtaining of passports and visas; arrangement of airport-to-hotel transportation; conducting research on different retreats for companies and groups, conferences, or business meetings; and even the participation in event planning for events like birthday parties or weddings.

Step 8 – Build a network

Start by creating partnerships with other travel companies and agencies. This is a common practice for many travel agencies. In that way, you will have the chance to increase both your clients and profits. Also, you can join different organizations for travel agents. This is one of the best ways to meet people from the business, create new contacts and improve your skills and knowledge on the market.

Step 9 – Launch a website

Today, many clients prefer to work with agencies who offer online services, like online booking. That is why, if you really want to establish yourself as a name in this sphere, you will need to create a website for you agency. As a matter of fact, if you invest enough on this, you will be able to work from home.

Step 10 – Marketing

Take advantage of all types of marketing. From social media and radio ads, to flyers and business cards, the more the better. Don’t forget to create a client list with email addresses and client preferences. In that way you will be able to send out offers and promotions to your most active customers.

Without a doubt, this list of tasks is very long. Nevertheless, travel agencies and even independent travel agents have the chance to enjoy good profits, especially when they take into account these tips.



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