If you have reached this page, you most probably have made up your mind about starting a business on your own. But that was the easy part of making the decision and now the questions start popping up.
What kind of a business? Small, medium or multinational one? Can you build it by yourself or you need a mentor or partner?
These are just a few of the most common dilemmas that spring to mind when you start toying with the idea of being your own boss and having your own business.
Being in the publishing industry made it possible for me to follow up on changing trends and gain knowledge. So, here is a fresh and unique approach that might sound common at first but if you follow on it, it will help you clear up your mind and draw an action plan for success.
There are a few good books on starting business you need to read or listen to. Right now the 30-day trial is free of charge and you can cancel it without obligations, while if you opt for 3 months membership at Audible.com, you can get up to 66% discount.
Five is not a big number, but you may wonder why we recommend not just one but five books on starting business.
The answer is that these books reveal different aspects of the process and will provoke you to analyse your needs and desires from different angles, so you come up with decisions you will never regret.
All of these books on starting business are available for online purchase at Amazon and you may choose your prefered format. You may also listen to two of them for free with a 30-day trial of Audible, which is digital library for audiobooks.
Very relevant nowadays when Donald Trump is running for a president of the United States, the book “Midas Touch: Why Some Entrepreneurs Get Rich-And Why Most Don’t” offers tips and tricks of the trade that makes billionaires. Pation and attention to detail is just a fraction from what you can learn from the both self-made and very successful authors – Donald J. Trump and Robert T. Kiyosaki.
The book is a quick, engaging read. Based on their experiences, Trump and Kiyosaki have identified five key factors of entrepreneurial success. Each of the key success factors is a chapter in the book.
Out barely since October 2015 but already a Bestseller, “Serial Winner: 5 Actions to Create Your Cycle of Success” by Larry Weidel is book that will help you to stay focused and in control of your fortune. Moreover, it will condition you for success in the long run.
These books on starting a business are not randomly selected. I have either listened to them or read them amongst many other reads on similar topics. But these five are especially informative and eye-opening when it comes to researching information on how to start, build and run a successful business from a scratch.