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SAE to run special camps to foster creativity during Ramadan


A fun learning experience to keep students passionate about creative media and develop their skills

the world’s leading educator in creative media industries will host four creative media camps during Ramadan to introduce students to the basic tools and techniques of Robotics, Programming, Photography and Animation.

The Robotics Camp will cover the basic structure of an autonomous robot and help students understand how different types of actuators, sensors and controllers come together to make the robot work. The Programming Camp will focus on games development, including the basics of programming using Scratch and Unity3D for quick prototyping and execution of games for PCs. The Photography Camp will give students and an overview of the complete process of capturing a still image from idea to composition, to outdoor and studio photography. The Animation Camp will cover practical modeling, lighting, shading, animation, and rendering. Students will gain a holistic and foundational understanding of the 3D production process using industry standard software.

Christina Kallas, Head of Enrolment and Outreach at SAE Dubai commented, “We believe that the creative industries in UAE and MENA hold great promise, and young adults and their families are increasingly looking for ways to explore them. The Ramadan Creative Camps is a great way for a basic introduction to these fields, and SAE Dubai has taken the requirements of this sacred time into careful consideration while designing them.

Each of the camps will be led by experienced instructors and participants will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the course. All camps are for children aged 9 – 14 and for a duration of 25 hours, with the exception of Programming which has a module duration of 20 hours.

The Ramadan Creative Camp timings are as follows:

  • Robotics Camp – April 27th to May 25th, every Saturday from 10 am till 2 pm
  • Programming Camp – May 3rd to May 31st every Friday from 10 am to 2 pm
  • Photography Camp – May 4th to June 1st, every Saturday from 10 am till 2 pm
  • Animation Camp – May 19th to May 30th, Sunday to Thursday from 4 pm to 6 pm

They will be held at SAE’s Dubai campus, located at Block 2B, G Floor, Dubai Knowledge Park.



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